Those that have read through my blog, know full well that I have always believed there would come a time when my health was fully restored to its original state. It's the in between that can suck. The time when its NOT well that can suck. The evidence that things are not OK can make it difficult to remember a promise that was whispered so long ago.
Matthew 15:25 says, "Woman, you have great faith. I will do as you have asked." [Jesus to the Canaanite woman.] This verse has been a staple in my personal journey with Multiple Sclerosis. Whenever I have doubted if it was really going to happen. If I was REALLY going to be healed from this incurable disease, this verse makes its way back up to the surface. Today, it was different.
Let me explain. It was approximately 2 weeks ago when I began feeling the exhausting symptoms of a MS relapse. It was my leg. I had the insatiable feeling as though I was peeing my pants, and it was running down my right leg. After double checking and triple checking, I realized what it was. It was confirmed with my neurologist that I, indeed, was mid MS relapse. No steroid therapy this time, by my own decision. I was struggling to understand WHY, when I KNOW I've been healed, is it happening AGAIN?. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. God, where ARE you??!!!! I did NOT keep silent. I cried out in my anguish and complained to God about the bitterness this disease has done to my body. I shouted out to him, "I NEED a reminder. SHOW me where you are. That this will NOT be where you leave me."
Which brings us to today. I was traveling on US 131 southbound headed home from working in Rockford. The symptoms of this MS relapse have begun increasing in frequency. I have pushed through continuing to work. I refuse to allow this disease to rob me from anything I do anymore. As I'm about to pass a minivan on the highway, I glance over and see their license plate. It says 1JOHN5. Instantly, I KNEW this was something meant for me. I asked SIRI what 1 John 5 said and when she showed me the results, a waterfall of tears began exploding from my eyes. SIRI didn't show me 1 John 5, she showed me John 5:1. [she's not the brightest bulb in the bunch] No matter the error. This was meant for me. The title of the passage is The Healing Pool.
The Jewish leaders told the man NOT to carry his mat. However, the man said, "The one who healed me told me to pick up my mat and walk." Essentially, negating anything the Jewish leaders told him to do or not do for that matter. He listened to the true authority. The true leader. I should be so compliant.
To the person with a minivan and the license plate that reads 1John5. I wish I could have spoke to you. To tell you what that one mistake SIRI made did for my heart today. To tell you my story, not for my glory, but for God's. To tell you how you were used by God today and you didn't even know it.